LearnHaitianCreoleOnline, Advanced Haitian Creole, Hangout, Facetime, and Skype classes, Clases de Creole en Español, Inglés y Francés! New york creole classes, boston creole classes, miami creole course, Worldwide Haitian Creole Classes offer online classes in English, French, Creole, and Spanish. Find the workbooks we use at creolebuildshaiti.blogspot.com or urbanbookspublishing.blogspot.com or Aprenderkreyolhaitiano.blogspot.com; Learnhaitiancreoleonline.blogspot.com
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Thursday, July 23, 2015
Order "Sa-k Pase? M-ap Boule Learn Haitian Creole Textbook" To Learn Haitian Creole
Joseph J. Charles, M.S.
List Price: $29.99
5.25" x 8" (13.335 x 20.32 cm)
Black & White on Cream paper
140 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1451536119
ISBN-10: 1451536119
BISAC: Foreign Language Study / Creole Languages
Book Review:
SakPaseLearnHaitianCreole is designed to help beginning and intermediate learners of Haitian Creole get the support they need with the grammar, vocabulary, exercises and phonology of the language. The lessons cover various topics such as daily Haitian life, disaster relief language, family interactions, community life, shopping, medical care and polite or appropriate communication, schools and church activities.
Purchase a copy of this textbook to learn Haitian Creole now: SakPaseLearnHaitianCreole Textbook
Thursday, May 7, 2015
World Wide Haitian Creole Classes by Skype, FaceTime or Google Talk : Clases Mundiales de Creole Haitiano Ofrecidas por Skype, FaceTime o GoogleTalk
Clases Mundiales de Creole Haitiano Ofrecidas por Skype, FaceTime o GoogleTalk
Classes Mondiales de Creole offertes a Travers de Skype, FaceTime ou GoogleTalk
Pran Klas Kreyol Sou Skype, FaceTime oswa Google Talk
Improve and Practice your Language Skills:
Haitian Creole Made Easy with HaitianCreoleMP3 Institute Founder
If you plan on visiting or volunteering in Haiti, this class is for you. If you are a professional working with the UN Forces or any other agency, you can always brush up your language skills. Command the language spoken by millions of Haitians and foreigners in Haiti, Cuba, the U.S.A, Canada, the Dominican Republic, France, and elsewhere. These lessons and/or conversations will give you complete mastery over the language! In addition, you will be learning with and from a seasoned and dedicated educator with years of teaching experience both in Haiti and the U.S.A!
For intermediate and advanced level students, New Haitian Creole Conversations and Dialogues Sessions are being offered by Skype, FaceTime or Google Talk. The sessions will focus mostly on establishing fluency, adjusting the rhythmic and tonic accents, phraselogy, and musicology.
Ki sa n-ap tann? Ann Pale Kreyol! (What are you waiting for? Let's speak Creole!)
Sign up by paying for the sessions you want whenever you feel like it. With your iPad, Android phone, iPhone or laptop, you can learn and reap the health benefits of learning a new language. Improve your language skills and your health at the same time!
Use AlertPay or Paypal's Secure Services
Online Haitian Creole Conversations and Dialogues by Skype and FaceTime: $25 /1-hour Session
These conversations and dialogues are designed to help the beginnner, intermediate, and advanced level language learners increase and improve their language skills, familiarize themselves with the tonic and rhymthmic sequences of the language. In a few words, you will be able to practice with a native speaker of the language.
Online Haitian Creole Conversations and Dialogues by Skype and FaceTime: $25 /1-hour Session
Friday, March 13, 2015
Learn Haitian Creole Online via 'Sa'k Pase? N'ap Boule Textbook' MP3 / Audio
Listen to Sa'k Pase? N'ap Boule Textbook MP3/Audio - Ann Pale Kreyol...Let's Speak Creole.
Pay first to gain access to the MP3 / Audio!
Content of the MP3 / Audio File
Listen to 'Sa'k Pase? N'ap Boule Textbook' MP3/Audio in your car, your iPad, tablet, phone, and laptop
Useful Creole Expressions and Cultural Notes
Grammar and Vocabulary
Pronunciation Key
Question Words, Conversation and Greetings
Conjugate verbs, Forms of Definite and Indefinite Articles
Useful Expressions for Healthcare Professionals, at the Doctor's Clinic, Medical Terms and Practice
Human Body: Illnesses, Medications, and Health issues
Weather, Temperature, Telling Time, Jewelry, Watches, Bracelets and Diamonds
Friday, February 20, 2015
Learn Haitian Kreyol Via FaceTime, Skype Call or Skype Video Call: Select Your Haitian Creole Option Here
Once you have completed the payment, please email us at haitiancreole[at]Gmail.com to inform us and provide us with the following:
Your Full Name:
E-mail address:
Phone Number:
Skype Name/Username: (We will send you a request so you can have our skype name too)
Professional background or area of expertise:
State or country:
Organization you are affiliated with:
How do you plan to be involved in Haiti?
With the advance of technological tools readily available on the Web and through social media, you can learn any foreign languages from the comfort of your home or your office. We are excited about the number of widgets and gadgets at our disposal these days. We are happy that you want to work with us. We want to make sure that we work with you to accommodate your professional schedule. We will do our best to take into consideration the difference in time zones.
A great number of classes are currently offered online. By joining this Haitian Creole language class, you have just added to this number. Remain assured that you are learning the language from a native of the country who has studied in both Haiti and the U.S.A. So, you will get the best of both worlds in terms of comprehension, bicultural understanding and transnational sensitivities.
Thanks for signing up and welcome to WorldWideHaitianCreoleClasses and SakPaseLearnHaitianCreole Now!

Thursday, January 22, 2015
Advanced Haitian Creole Classes and Dialogues by Skyping, FaceTime, and Google Plus Hangout
Accelerated Haitian Creole Conversations & Dialogues is a class designed for Haitian Americans, intermediate or advanced-level learners, and any other Creole speakers who want to have a strong command of the language.
Please Pay as Negotiated